2024 Pickerington Senior Center
​​Board Members and Director

 Interim Director: Diane Cain 

President: ​Annabelle Marion, Vice President: Ed Drobina

Board Members: Jeanne Carroll, Karen Edwards,

Linwood Connell, Larry Frazee, Bill Cook,

 Jim Schumacher, Vickie Witten

about us

The Senior Center sponsors trips all around the world 

The Pickerington Senior Center is unique among senior centers in the manner with which it is funded. The majority of its budget is gained through fund raising done by the members of the Senior Center. It is governed by a Board of Trustees whom operate under a Constitution. Most of the work of maintaining the building/grounds and fundraising is performed by the members themselves.

Membership Information
Membership fee is $13.00 per year for anyone 50 years and over. That fee gives members use of the senior center building, a monthly newsletter and access to a number of programs and activities, including lifeline screenings, health seminars, flu shots and educational workshops. To Join Call 614-837-3020 or...

Pickerington Senior Center

Pickerington Senior Center

As Pickerington has grown, so has the Senior Center. Today, there are activities for a variety of interests. Educational seminars are held frequently on topics related to health care, financial planning and legal issues for seniors. Card parties, fellowship dinners, Bingo games, crafts and quilting are some of the activities going on weekly. A membership luncheon with a program, is held the third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon. The Senior Center sponsors trips all around the world and a wide variety of local day trips.

History and Background 
A small, but mighty band of senior citizens had a dream of having a building where they could meet, have parties, enjoy meals together, hold educational seminars and serve others of Pickerington and Violet Township. Today, that dream is a reality far beyond the hopes of that first group.
